Social Impact & Performance

Positive relationships with the local communities around our operations are vital to securing support for our business activities.

Empowering the Local Community

Our support for our local communities extends beyond the creation of jobs. Through collaboration and partnerships, we aim to strengthen local communities through active community programmes and sustainable enviromental funding.

Our efforts focus on the following key areas: 

  • Sustainable job creation 
  • Poverty alleviation 
  • Skills transfer
  • Social and community upliftment
  • Ecological sustainability and conservation

Safeguarding Local Wildlife

Diamond Rok is currently exploring opportunities to aid in the conservation of the Kamfersdam wetlands, one of four breeding areas in Africa and the only one in South Africa of the lesser flamingo. We are currently developing plans to help resolve ecological issues, particularly the pollution affecting the water supply at Kamfersdam which has led to a decline in the flamingo population.

Kickstarting Community Connections

We are passionate about fostering a vibrant community spirit and empowering the youth through sport, and we remain dedicated to continuing our efforts in uplifting the local community. Diamond Rok sponsored the clearing of a new football pitch at the local community Homeville School. We also had our inaugural “DR Sponsored” football tournament in April 2023, where local kids and the community got together for a fun day of prizes, food and drink. Goals and team shirts coming soon!